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Discovery Lecture Series: Exploring "Blue Carbon" in California Salt Marshes
Jason Keller - Exploring Blue Carbon in Southern California Salt Marshes
Blue Carbon - UK salt marshes and climate change mitigation
Exploring the Sunlit Sea (Session 1)
Shoreline Management Webinar Series: Tidal Marsh Ecology
Mangroves, Tidal Marshes: Protecting Our Coastal Guardians, Climate Change
Brown Bag - Poop, Roots and Deadfall: The Story of Blue Carbon
The Influence of Nitrate on Carbon Sequestration in Salt Marsh Sediments
Sea Power: Discovering blue carbon as a natural climate solution
Serge Dedina - Connecting Creatures, Climates, and Communities - Speaker Series
State of Blue Carbon Science and Management Implications
Advancing the Use of Blue Carbon for Coastal Systems